Clay Jones for January 24, 2022

  1. 92131731 10214180593663282 3751105281048707072 n
    B 8671  over 2 years ago

    If herr trump were still in office, he would have told his master Putin to take whatever he wanted.

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  2. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    Yep, he pood the screwch there. Of course it was a SMALL screwch… but it was in a sensitive spot… And Putin is very intelligent and at least as much amoral.

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  3. Tf 117
    RAGs  over 2 years ago
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *

    (๑❛ᴗ❛๑) is just trying to cover up how Trumpy bowed down to Putin and Xi and told them that anything they did was okay with him, and not to listen to anyone else from the Unitrf States.

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    Even Ammosexual works more than 10 to 4 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    To late Brandon the damage is done. Remember when you were a kid Joe..Loose Lips Sink Ships

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    FrankErnesto  over 2 years ago

    It was clarified, but Jones prefers to ignore that. Selective ignorance, it is called. Jones has a lot of that.

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    Display  over 2 years ago

    The Turd Reich Trolls seemed to conveniently forget that Rumpy the Clown and his crew of cronies kissed Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’ Putin’s butt and licked his boots since Day One. Just like they did for Kim, Xi, and every other dictator the Bulbous Buttwhistle and Pompeo the Pompous did for all of ’em.

    Heck, by now Putin would have the whole of the Ukraine gift wrapped with a big red bow on it. And probably Florida, Texass, Arizona, and so on if he’d mentioned it, let alone even hinted. Whatever Vladdy Daddy wanted, he got. Those traitors just got all kinds of warm and fuzzy when they saw a picture of Vlad without his shirt on and ooo’d and ahh’d just like the tween-aged pageant girls Rumpy liked to barge in peek in on.

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Well after all he did give him a soccer ball in return

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    Zebrastripes  over 2 years ago

    OMG! ….there are no words….

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    preacherman Premium Member over 2 years ago

    If Putin does get to eat his 10 scoop cone, he’ll suffer one serious belly ache afterwards.

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  10. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    ‘Newt has lost it’: Jan. 6 committee member confused by Gingrich’s ‘weird’ idea the US will be overthrown

    Speaking to CNN’s Jim Acosta, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) responded to the “weird” comments from former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA). On Saturday, he told the Fox network that members of the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack are somehow going to be carted off to prison when the GOP takes over in 2022. Gingrich never quite explained what crimes he thinks the officials committed and on what charge they’d be arrested, but he firmly believes it will happen. If the members were arrested without a crime, as Gingrich suggests, Lofgren explained it would mean the U.S. has fallen.

    Gingrich flattened by CNN legal expert for ‘dangerous and idiotic’ attack on Jan 6th riot committee

    During a Sunday interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business, Gingrich lashed out at Congress for investigating the attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

    “These are people who are literally just running over the law, pursuing innocent people, causing them to spend thousands and thousands of dollars in legal fees for no justification and it’s basically a lynch mob,” Gingrich predicted. “I think when you have a Republican Congress, this is all going to come crashing down and the wolves will find out they are now sheep and they are the ones in fact, who face a real risk of jail for the kind of laws they are breaking.”

    “I think Newt Gingrich’s comments were wrong, dangerous, idiotic, crazy,” he said. “I could probably keep going on.”

    “Everything Newt Gingrich said there is wrong. There is nothing that anybody on the January 6th committee has done that is remotely illegal or criminal,” he explained.

    Republican traitors seek revenge for having their crimes uncovered.

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  11. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Maddow Blog | Why Newt Gingrich’s rant about the Jan. 6 investigation matters

    “I think when you have a Republican Congress, this is all going to come crashing down, and the wolves are going to find out that they’re now sheep and they’re the ones who are in fact, I think, face a real risk of jail for the kinds of laws they’re breaking.”

    He did not appear to be kidding. Gingrich also neglected to mention any of the “laws” he believes the committee members are “breaking.”

    We learned last spring, for example, that Donald Trump recruited Gingrich to help craft a “MAGA” policy agenda. We learned last week that House Republican leaders recently did the same thing. The Washington Post reported on Thursday:

    Senior House Republicans are putting together a list of policy pledges to run on in the 2022 elections, and they are consulting with the architect of one of their biggest historical midterm victories. Newt Gingrich, whose “Contract with America” in 1994 is linked with the GOP takeover of Congress in that midterm cycle, said he has been advising House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) on a set of policy items for Republicans to take to voters ahead of the November elections.

    In other words, the public learned on Thursday that Gingrich is helping shape a House GOP policy platform, and the public learned three days later that Gingrich wants to see elected officials investigating the Jan. 6 attack incarcerated.

    I’d like to see Gingrich’s rants treated as little more than annoying sideshows, but Republican officials aren’t making that easy.

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  12. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Cheney and Kinzinger fire back at Newt Gingrich’s call for them to be arrested if GOP takes House

    The only two Republicans on 6 January select committee have been remorselessly targeted from the right since voting for Trump’s impeachment

    The reaction to the former speaker’s remarks was fast and furious, and both Ms Cheney and Mr Kinzinger joined in. Ms Cheney put it in the starkest terms in a tweet sharing a clip from the interview. “A former Speaker of the House is threatening jail time for members of Congress who are investigating the violent January 6 attack on our Capitol and our Constitution,” she wrote.

    “This is what it looks like when the rule of law unravels.”

    Dictatorial Republicons have been above the law for far too long.

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  13. Bunway
    RabbitDad  over 2 years ago

    Our cutesy-face troll sure has a chubby for Clay Jones, doesn’t he

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  14. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Steve Bannon says Republicans are going to impeach and arrest Joe Biden when the GOP wins in 2022

    Traitorous republican felon threatens US government.

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  15. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Rick Wilson warned that Newt Gingrich’s “fascist” threats pose a genuine threat to democracy and the rule of law.

    The former speaker of the House threatened jail time for House select committee members during a Fox News interview over the weekend, and Wilson, a former Republican strategist, explained that Gingrich’s comments revealed the “authoritarian” nature of the current GOP.

    “We’ve been warning you all along that this election isn’t about [Build Back Better] or prescription drugs or guns or climate or anything else in the policy domain,” Wilson tweeted. “It’s about the emergent authoritarian state shambling its way toward the end of small-d democratic politics.”

    Wilson predicted Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) would shove House minority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) aside if Republicans win back the majority, and he would turn the House of Representatives into a Nazi-style weapon against Democrats or anyone else who opposes Donald Trump.

    “Speaker Jordan (and no, Kevin, he didn’t take your deal and he is going to shank you) and the MAGAe will comprise a clear majority of the GOP caucus in 2022 and they are Trump’s political vergeltungswaffe,” Wilson tweeted, referring to German rocket artillery used during World War II. “They don’t care about policy. They care about power.”

    Republicans would immediately move to impeach President Joe Biden and hold endless hearings on Hunter Biden’s laptop, Black Lives Matter and Antifa to “terrorize” their political opponents, Wilson said, and they would use their power to “investigate” Trump’s election lies and undermine faith in democracy.

    Republican traitors want to put democracy in jail.

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  16. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 2 years ago

    There was a reason Rick Wilson titled his second book about Traitor Trump “Running Against the Devil: A Plot to Save America From Trump—And Democrats from Themselves.”

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  17. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    In the Bond movie No Time To Die the American traitor is an unmistakable Maga type.

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