Real Life application – Norwegian Town Uses Mirrors To Make Artificial Sunlight – Rjukan, Norway, sits in a valley that casts a shadow over the town for half the year. In 2013, mirrors were installed to reflect sunlight down to the town’s square.
momofalex7 almost 3 years ago
Hope that’s not a laser.
alikgator almost 3 years ago
Neat hack!
shelly almost 3 years ago
Real Life application – Norwegian Town Uses Mirrors To Make Artificial Sunlight – Rjukan, Norway, sits in a valley that casts a shadow over the town for half the year. In 2013, mirrors were installed to reflect sunlight down to the town’s square.
Nobody_Important almost 3 years ago
Thus proving dogs will use their powers for good, unlike most people.
cuzinron47 almost 3 years ago
Now go get them Ruskies!
poimen almost 3 years ago
Send some my way please Tucker