Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for April 01, 2005

  1. 7fa68002 e40e 4d9a 9c28 4208acb9d2b2
    Tomato Dog  almost 3 years ago

    Oh, soon you’ll like boy people too. Very soon (from 2022, probably 2040)

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    Sherlock5  8 months ago

    I recall another scenario with a similar theme.

    Zoe was sitting a living room chair, holding a large rubber ball, and talking to her mom.

    Her dialogue said something about “I’ve decided I’m a people person…”

    whereupon she forcefully beans Hammie as he walks into the room,

    then she says “Girl people, that is” or words to that effect.

    And just like this scene, Wanda does nothing about it, at least nothing is shown.

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