I would really like to see them change up the colors for the kids… I was kinda excited when Wanda dreamed of a dark-haired baby girl, as then they would have a boy with her hair color, a girl with his, and then a mix. I red-haired little boy or a dark-haired little girl would be amazing.
I would love to see them deal with twins, too. Would Wren and Zoe end up sharing a room until the twins are older? Would they end up moving to try to get more rooms? So many issues dealing with twins, but I think they might be satisfied having given Bunny twins.
windjammers over 2 years ago
Darryl really doesn’t want to have another baby, but I really think they should have twins next — a boy and a girl.
chyrbalis over 2 years ago
I would really like to see them change up the colors for the kids… I was kinda excited when Wanda dreamed of a dark-haired baby girl, as then they would have a boy with her hair color, a girl with his, and then a mix. I red-haired little boy or a dark-haired little girl would be amazing.
I would love to see them deal with twins, too. Would Wren and Zoe end up sharing a room until the twins are older? Would they end up moving to try to get more rooms? So many issues dealing with twins, but I think they might be satisfied having given Bunny twins.