Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for December 26, 2009

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    riff raff  over 2 years ago


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    chyrbalis  about 1 year ago

    Sometimes very necessary. I live in a household where three of the four people preach about how bad sugar is for you, how they don’t eat it, etc. I, on the other hand, think sugar in small doses is fine as a treat, so I occasionally by myself something sweet. Guess what happens if I don’t hide it? Even then, they will come to “help” put away groceries to see what I may have bought, or will search the kitchen after I put things away, then complain about how whatever I bought (if they found it) is torturing them until they ask to share. Being who I am, I say yes.

    The last time this happened, it was with an 8 pack of donuts. I was going to freeze whatever I didn’t eat in a day or two, as they thaw rather well, depending on type. They came to my room and saw them on top of my pc, still in a bag, and asked what it was. I ended up getting to eat 1.

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