Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for November 21, 2000

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    Furrito_272  almost 3 years ago

    Her elbow looks like a nose

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    Blaize  over 2 years ago

    I know what she went through with that. Been there myself.

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    Sherlock5  8 months ago

    I used to watch the original “Electric Company” when I was really too old for it. I thought the actors did a great job with the characters, among them Skip Hinnant as Fargo North, Decoder, Morgan Freeman as Vincent the Vegetable Vampire and Easy Reader, Jim Boyd’s J. Arthur Crank, Rita Moreno’s the Movie Director and many others. The writing was also great and they had some clever songs. I particularly remember a musical spoof of “Fiddler on the Roof” called “Fiddler on the Chair.” There were also several animated bits featuring songs by Tom Lehrer.

    A number of well-known television and movie personalities showed up as guest stars on various episodes.

    All in all, it was a refreshing change from the bland writing of the typical network morning cartoon shows.

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