Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for January 30, 2001

  1. Small u 201701251613
    Foxgirl  almost 3 years ago

    Darryl is driving me nuts. Let Hammie do what he wants

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  2. Mini lego caboose spin
    Joseph comicinthestrip  about 2 years ago

    I can relate to this one. My sisters were both in ballet, and I constantly wanted to wear my younger sister’s tutu. Not because I wanted to abandon my gender or sex, which are, by the way, BOTH THE SAME THING; I just wanted to be a copycat! Looking back, it was rather silly of me! It was also what I was surrounded by, and I didn’t know any better.

    Same here with Hammie. He just wants to play with his sister, that’s all. However, perhaps, in the future, they can play fairytale prince and princess. After all, a boy can’t be a princess, nor a girl a prince. God created us as we are for a good reason. While we can pretend to be something we’re not, whether by acting that way or mutilating ourselves to achieve “gender transformation,” it won’t change who we are.

    When the armor of a soldier is damaged, it’s alright to replace it, but when it gets to the point where cosmetics dominate functionality, that’s when it becomes apparent that the soldier is no longer a soldier, but a target on legs.

    While, yes, I believe men and women shouldn’t have to worry about their genders stereotyping themselves in their lives, such as being a firefighter, a soldier, a cashier, etc, roles such as prince and princess, father and mother, king and queen, priest and nun are connected to their associated genders. It’s not sexist or discriminatory: it’s fact.

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    lesbian4life7997  over 1 year ago


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