Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for February 19, 2011

  1. Missing large
    Blaize  over 2 years ago

    But Darryl gave Wanda a LATCH!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Sherlock5  12 months ago

    What is it with Wanda and baths? When you bathe, you’re just soaking in all the dirt that comes off your body. At least with a shower it washes away down the drain.

    However, I know with Wanda it’s really not about getting clean and I suppose a shower would put out the scented candles and dilute the glass of wine.

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  3. Squid icon
    SquidGamerGal  5 months ago

    Mom! I can’t find my backpack! I put it on the couch and now it’s gone! Mom! Where do the people in the TV go when you turn it off?

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