Pway wif be-be? No, Zoe. He's asleep. You can't play with him until he wakes up. Z Splish! Waaaaaaa! He waked up!
And it begins
Typical toddler: She wants what she wants, when she wants it and will do whatever it takes to get her way.
Unfortunately, Zoe will continue this behavior as she ages; she’ll just be more devious about it.
A lot of adults are like that, too.
January 25, 2022
corpcookie over 2 years ago
And it begins
The Glorious Octagon 11 months ago
Sherlock5 10 months ago
Typical toddler: She wants what she wants, when she wants it and will do whatever it takes to get her way.
Unfortunately, Zoe will continue this behavior as she ages; she’ll just be more devious about it.
A lot of adults are like that, too.