A pox on Both their houses; let them all Including the owners) be paid an high-average blue-collar wage- and any extra the players made would have to be from endorsements. The Huge Profits generated from the public should go Back to the public, for roads, hospitals, schools, and once in a while, sprucing up the arena.
"It's the End of the World!!!" Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Are the whiny, rich, overpaid ball throwers and catchers, and whinier, richer owners feuding over pocket millions again?
sandflea almost 3 years ago
And neither side gives a damn about the fans, if there are any left.
drbee almost 3 years ago
A pox on Both their houses; let them all Including the owners) be paid an high-average blue-collar wage- and any extra the players made would have to be from endorsements. The Huge Profits generated from the public should go Back to the public, for roads, hospitals, schools, and once in a while, sprucing up the arena.
RobinHood almost 3 years ago
Well as long as there’s a lockout, we won’t have to here any John Sterling highlights.
namleht almost 3 years ago
I am OK if they never play baseball again…
grange Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Boycott them when they come back. This “game” is the only one on Earth that is more boring than cricket.
pamela welch Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Spot on, Drew!