Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for August 05, 1991

  1. Turtle
    Resident Master Plumber  almost 3 years ago

    Anyone seen this? I’m to young

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  2. Mew mew power animated gif
    ToneeRhianRose  11 months ago

    Good choice! I loved Love Connection when I was a kid…though I wasn’t quite as young as she is. I was 11.

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  3. Missing large
    Sherlock5  10 months ago

    Going back even farther, there was an afternoon show that debuted in 1965 called The Dating Game and ran through the mid-1970s, then revived several times over the next two decades.

    A bachelor or bachelorette had to select a date from one of three choices on the other side of a partition based solely on the answers they gave to questions posed to them. Sometimes, they would have celebrities involved. (I believe there was an episode with Maureen McCormick).

    I didn’t watch it regularly, but I remember one particular episode. Of the three bachelors, two are what one would call “hunks.” The third was a nice looking fellow, but not the big brawny golden-haired type. But he had a razor-sharp wit. For example, one question was “Bachelor #2, why wouldn’t your mother like me?” Answer: “I’m a twin and she’d hate to break up a matched set.”

    The girl chose him, of course. They brought out the other two guys first, then him. You could see her face sort of fall when she saw him.

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  4. Bugs bunny
    windjammers  10 months ago

    First, they didn’t want Zoe watching television. Now, Wanda understands the calming effects it can have on a child long enough to get dinner cooked.

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