The assumption here is that Darryl has no fashion sense. However, it could just as easily be that Wanda is the one with a lack of taste. We can’t really judge the outfit for ourselves, can we? And just because his fashion sense is different that hers, can we say Wanda’s is better? Something can only be better than another thing if it more closely aligns with a standard that is outside of both. And who is he arbiter of such things? Fashions change all the time. So leave Darryl alone, Wanda. If you don’t like what he picked out, go pick out something yourself.
JaneyLuLu over 2 years ago
JaneyLuLu over 2 years ago
I swear this has happened ver-batim in my house ahahaha
Sherlock5 over 1 year ago
The assumption here is that Darryl has no fashion sense. However, it could just as easily be that Wanda is the one with a lack of taste. We can’t really judge the outfit for ourselves, can we? And just because his fashion sense is different that hers, can we say Wanda’s is better? Something can only be better than another thing if it more closely aligns with a standard that is outside of both. And who is he arbiter of such things? Fashions change all the time. So leave Darryl alone, Wanda. If you don’t like what he picked out, go pick out something yourself.