And they’ve opened a fast food chain called Gazpacho Shack. Need I say more?
But we still not has flying cars.
And everyone in the future knows how to draw Doug. Well, no, actually they don’t. I lies.
The wheels mean that the gazpacho you packed for the journey won’t slosh about in your suitcase.
August 09, 2014
danketaz Premium Member almost 3 years ago
And they’ve opened a fast food chain called Gazpacho Shack. Need I say more?
Gent almost 3 years ago
But we still not has flying cars.
Gent almost 3 years ago
And everyone in the future knows how to draw Doug. Well, no, actually they don’t. I lies.
julie.mason1 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
The wheels mean that the gazpacho you packed for the journey won’t slosh about in your suitcase.