I put together a greenhouse kit last year. There were disclaimers in 16 languages and the instructions were entirely pictures. 48 pages and not all of the parts were correctly numbered.
I was just at a training seminar where they passed out a worksheet. It had a list of instructions. #1 was “Read all instructions before proceeding.” #2 was “Write your name at the top.” Then it had a list of 15 tasks like “Cross out all the letter Es,” and “Underline your first name,” etc. The last one was “Do only Number 2.” It was fun watching everyone scribbling all over the paper.
nicka93 almost 3 years ago
Instructions, translated through three languages by computer.
david_42 almost 3 years ago
I put together a greenhouse kit last year. There were disclaimers in 16 languages and the instructions were entirely pictures. 48 pages and not all of the parts were correctly numbered.
tcayer almost 3 years ago
I was just at a training seminar where they passed out a worksheet. It had a list of instructions. #1 was “Read all instructions before proceeding.” #2 was “Write your name at the top.” Then it had a list of 15 tasks like “Cross out all the letter Es,” and “Underline your first name,” etc. The last one was “Do only Number 2.” It was fun watching everyone scribbling all over the paper.
William Bludworth Premium Member almost 3 years ago
“Snap tab ‘A’ into part ‘B’”
After tab ‘A’ snaps, Super Glue tab back onto part ‘A’. Throw entire kit away since tab keeps falling off.
Jim Kerner almost 3 years ago
Somebody’s been to Ikea! ;o)