It was attributed to Aristotle. Everyone who goes through high school knows more science than Aristotle knew:
A typical child today knows more science than anyone throughout most of history.
Thomas Jefferson wasn’t a scientist, but he had wide interests and read up on most of the scientific knowledge available in his time. Which means he knew about as much as a fourth grader does today. At least, that’s what I read.
Algolei I almost 3 years ago
It was attributed to Aristotle. Everyone who goes through high school knows more science than Aristotle knew:
Eric Klein almost 3 years ago
Yes, Calvin. But how did you get outside with both legs in the same pant leg?
Ed The Red Premium Member almost 3 years ago
A typical child today knows more science than anyone throughout most of history.
Thomas Jefferson wasn’t a scientist, but he had wide interests and read up on most of the scientific knowledge available in his time. Which means he knew about as much as a fourth grader does today. At least, that’s what I read.
ChessPirate almost 3 years ago
Larry, that’s not “Science”, that’s “Common Sense”…
MCProfessor almost 3 years ago
He must be a fan of Kris Kross.
TSRaman almost 3 years ago
Nature abhors a shirt.