Kids have no concept of time. My sister once asked our dad, “When you were a little boy, and George Washington was president . . .” He stopped her and replied, “I didn’t come to America until after that. Go ask your Mum.”
My dad was born in Australia and came to America in his early teens.
To remember so clearly when we lost JFK, RFK and MLK but now two generations have flowed by since then, and now so many weren’t here and won’t remember 9-1-1 … Time feels like vapor.
Dani Rice almost 3 years ago
Kids have no concept of time. My sister once asked our dad, “When you were a little boy, and George Washington was president . . .” He stopped her and replied, “I didn’t come to America until after that. Go ask your Mum.”
My dad was born in Australia and came to America in his early teens.
fencie almost 3 years ago
To remember so clearly when we lost JFK, RFK and MLK but now two generations have flowed by since then, and now so many weren’t here and won’t remember 9-1-1 … Time feels like vapor.
ChattyFran almost 3 years ago
Good question. What’s changed? School, work, cars, phones, cleaning, TV, movies, shopping, entertainment in general. What’s not…. hmm… gardening?
love2cook over 2 years ago
Lol. this is true.