Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for May 07, 2022

  1. Me sarcastic never 2
    alien011  almost 3 years ago

    There hasn’t been one in about sixty million years. So it’s due every day now.

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  2. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  almost 3 years ago

    What happens after an asteroid destroys everyone? Do different life forms emerge?

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  3. Picture 7 banjogordy crp 100
    Banjo Gordy Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Great 2nd panel, especially George’s casual pose.

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    chroniclecmx  almost 3 years ago

    Odds are absolutely zero. Genesis 8:21-22

    When the LORD smelled the pleasing aroma, He said in His heart, “Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from his youth. And never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done.

    As long as the earth endures,seedtime and harvest,cold and heat,summer and winter,day and nightshall never cease.”

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    Timothy Madigan Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    asteroid wiping out all life? ~0%. Even if it massively ’cracked; the Earth, life would still survive.

    Yes, it wouldn’t be our life – most animal (and plant) species are fragile but life would still exist (small aquatic life, deep in oceans) just like it did with every other extinction level event in Earth’s history. Even the worst one (P-T, around 252mya), which killed +90% of all animal species (and over 50% of all families), still level species of certain types and gave rise to the line that we call dinosaurs.

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  6. Dscn0307
    FrannieL Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Always good to see George. Now where is Hammy?

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    leemorse9777  almost 3 years ago

    I hate to be doom and gloom, but we only have to worry about the next thousand years or so. After that, we will be gone. Our own fault, don’t waste any tears.

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  8. Large blue morning
    Yakety Sax  almost 3 years ago

    The Dinosaurs-What really happened


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    Tetonbil  almost 3 years ago

    And we are darn glad to have you George!

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    Bryan Smith Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Pet peeve of mine when someone asks what the over/under is on something when they really just mean the odds. Over/under is for counting statistics. This strip should have gone: “What are the odds of an asteroid hitting…?” “Millions to one” “I would take that bet”.

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