Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for May 20, 2022

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    kingdiamond69  almost 3 years ago

    Cats and dogs get along fine if they are raised together my labarabull Nala her best friend is a colony cat named Patches they were born in the same year and grew up together.

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    Chithing  almost 3 years ago

    That cat has the facial features of a yorkie.

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    LadyPeterW  almost 3 years ago

    We had cats before we got our first dog. Ben was raised by the cats…we called the crew “Benny & the Cats”, (thank you, Sir Elton John). Our second dog, Jean-Luc, was also raised by cats & Buster, one of our rescue cats, played with Luc all the time.

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    PammWhittaker  almost 3 years ago

    Jason jokes that we didn’t foster fail on Jelly, our dog. We just adopted her to our cat, Pepper :) We lost Pepper last year.. and he sent us a spicy tuxie. It was amazing how fast Sultan and Jelly bonded!

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    Suny  almost 3 years ago

    My cat loves dogs. He will walk up to a strange dog and say, “Let’s be friends and play for fun for a little bit!”

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    rondema  almost 3 years ago

    Why are Michael’s feet and body facing away from Gabby, yet his head is turned toward her? Kinda reminds me of Regan from the exorcist movie.

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