There will always be more, unfortunately, as long as some want what others have or hate them for looking different or for worshipping the “wrong” deity.
I sometimes wonder about today’s kids ? What happened to , " insane asylums ? It’s NOT MY FAULT ! Perfect society will never be. Human condition. Sometime back in the 30’s, ( I think ) some ass h – le farmer loaded a new school, in upper Michigan, ( I think ) up with dynamite and killed some 30 + kids. If the rest of the dynamite had gone off, the death rate wood have been in the hundreds. He couldn’t pay the taxes on his farm due to the new school tax rates. True story, look it up. He blew himself up while complaining, not far from the school. Nutso !
I really wonder about todays undisciplined kids. Whatever happened ? It’s , NOT MY FAULT ! EXCUSES ! Probably the worst school disaster was in 1927 when 44 students and teachers were killed in an explosion and the death rate would have been in the HUNDREDS if all the dynamite had gone off. He eventually blue himself up near the new school. Human condition ? Look up the following to verify this terrible truth.
School children dead is avoidable, were as combat deaths are not. I am afraid that we will see more school attacks in the future. I truly hope that I am wrong!
Wishful thinking, WW1 was called the “war to end all wars”. Though a book I read on the time between stated Neville Chamberlain’s reluctance to draw a line in the sand was reflective of a then-common attitude to avoid another brutal conflict.
John, I was thinking of a comment yesterday and today that’s worthy of your gift to us of “Nevermore!”. I caught the end of “Saving Private Ryan” today, and, once again, I was heartbroken when the elderly Private Ryan said to his wife “Tell me I’ve lived a good life; tell me I’m a good man.” Those who gave their lives gave us the opportunity to do the same. Perhaps the strongest, most touching thing on YouTube is the video accompanying John Williams’ “Hymn to the Fallen” (part of S.P.R’s soundtrack). Add up the number buried at the National Cemeteries shown; it’s a frightening number. And yet, that music fits so well.
Bill The Nuke over 2 years ago
If only that could be true.
RAGs over 2 years ago
There will always be more, unfortunately, as long as some want what others have or hate them for looking different or for worshipping the “wrong” deity.
GreasyOldTam over 2 years ago
Nice sentiment, but good luck with that.
Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 2 years ago
Sadly, it really seems to say “Evermore!”
A murder of crows… because the crows feasted upon the dead after battles.
eromlig over 2 years ago
John, my friend, you’ve said what so many of us believe. Would that it were!
blunebottle over 2 years ago
Wouldn’t it be nice if they gave a war and nobody came?
gsawyer101 over 2 years ago
Please send a copy to Putin.
oakie817 over 2 years ago
if only
gopher gofer over 2 years ago
amen to that…
P51Strega over 2 years ago
Thank you John. Let’s honor those who died to protect us but not fall into the trap of glorifying war.
Zebrastripes over 2 years ago
It’s so sad and pathetic we have a government that doesn’t do anything when it’s needed the most.
Instead the government is at war with itself….
lmuller7 over 2 years ago
I sometimes wonder about today’s kids ? What happened to , " insane asylums ? It’s NOT MY FAULT ! Perfect society will never be. Human condition. Sometime back in the 30’s, ( I think ) some ass h – le farmer loaded a new school, in upper Michigan, ( I think ) up with dynamite and killed some 30 + kids. If the rest of the dynamite had gone off, the death rate wood have been in the hundreds. He couldn’t pay the taxes on his farm due to the new school tax rates. True story, look it up. He blew himself up while complaining, not far from the school. Nutso !
Display over 2 years ago
“Come on Wall Street, don’t be slow…”
lmuller7 over 2 years ago
I really wonder about todays undisciplined kids. Whatever happened ? It’s , NOT MY FAULT ! EXCUSES ! Probably the worst school disaster was in 1927 when 44 students and teachers were killed in an explosion and the death rate would have been in the HUNDREDS if all the dynamite had gone off. He eventually blue himself up near the new school. Human condition ? Look up the following to verify this terrible truth.
fuzzbucket Premium Member over 2 years ago
That bird doesn’t watch the news.
mokspr Premium Member over 2 years ago
" War, war never changes. " (And how sad is it when you find veracity in a computer game tag line!)
schaefer jim over 2 years ago
School children dead is avoidable, were as combat deaths are not. I am afraid that we will see more school attacks in the future. I truly hope that I am wrong!
syzygy47 over 2 years ago
Wishful thinking, WW1 was called the “war to end all wars”. Though a book I read on the time between stated Neville Chamberlain’s reluctance to draw a line in the sand was reflective of a then-common attitude to avoid another brutal conflict.
Thorby over 2 years ago
John, I was thinking of a comment yesterday and today that’s worthy of your gift to us of “Nevermore!”. I caught the end of “Saving Private Ryan” today, and, once again, I was heartbroken when the elderly Private Ryan said to his wife “Tell me I’ve lived a good life; tell me I’m a good man.” Those who gave their lives gave us the opportunity to do the same. Perhaps the strongest, most touching thing on YouTube is the video accompanying John Williams’ “Hymn to the Fallen” (part of S.P.R’s soundtrack). Add up the number buried at the National Cemeteries shown; it’s a frightening number. And yet, that music fits so well.