On A Claire Day by Carla Ventresca and Henry Beckett for March 17, 2024

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    Yakety Sax  11 months ago


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    Diane Lee Premium Member 11 months ago

    Omitting the Watergate incident, we had a reasonable functional, reasonably respectable Republican party until Cheney and Rumsfield hit on the gold mine of incompetence represented by the Busch family and mined it to mess up the country. I didn’t agree with a lot of conservative ideas, but they had some validity and I could buy some of them and understand why some people bought all of them. For the most part they were based on fact, not on Rush Limbaugh and Faux news.

    I wonder if there are enough Republicans left with the dignity and integrity to form a real conservative party to run against the one that is controlled by a criminal who has no actual commitment to any ideals other than his own benefit.

    I would welcome a conservative party that could actually compete with the liberals without lying. I don’t totally agree with a lot of liberal ideas- Actually, I am a Democrat by default, since there has never been another choice that research showed wasn’t lying to me. I would be interested in hearing the views of an HONEST conservative party. I have never had that option and once I understand that I am being lied to, even if the person lying seems to believe what he is saying—- actually even more so if he seems to actually believe it, because that’s nuts, so I have always voted Democratic. Yeah, some of them lie, but I have never seen dishonesty in an actual Democratic party platform. The Republicans, when they bother to develop a platform base it on lies.

    An honest option might be nice.
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  3. Menow
    ednorton130  11 months ago

    That’s the biggest problem with government “it just wants to help” and that’s both sides of the isle.

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    Tina Rhea Premium Member 11 months ago

    Since 1980, Republicans have said that government doesn’t work. And every time Republicans are elected, they do their best to prove it.

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