The Grizzwells by Bill Schorr for July 16, 2022

  1. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  over 2 years ago

    To say Pierpoint is dim is like saying the sun is a light.

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  2. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Pierpoint might be able to understand "Flowers, Dinner, WIne a Movie, but “Diamonds”….?

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  3. Th 2659328858
    Just-me  over 2 years ago

    I was acquainted with a man who complained about not having any success with the ladies. He complained about it so much I finally told him that:

    1. Treat a woman as a person, not an object by not saying to her, “Hey b*tch, wanna dance?” at a bar. (Yes, he told me he actually did that…)

    2. That there is more to the art of seduction (his primary and only goal) than offering to get a 6-pack and a stag flick.

    He moved away not long after, don’t know if he had any success wherever it was he wound up.

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  4. Img 1062
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 2 years ago

    It’s because Bunnies are easy…

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  5. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 2 years ago

    —Which explains why Pierpoint will never enjoy Warren’s “success” with the ladies….

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    raybarb44  over 2 years ago

    Talking is the key…..

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