I started painting my toe nails many years ago. Probably after someone at a party threatened to do it if I passed out. I paint them every Spring, 4 or 5 different bright colors, among 8 toes as the pinky nails are but slivers. I am a 6’2", 250 pound ex football player who mainly wears Carhart’s. I operate heavy machinery. Inevitably a woman, always a woman, says shocked “You paint your toes?!!?!?” “of course” says I. “What kind of real man would let someone else paint his nails?” My lady friends find it quite sexy and, judging from the craggy yellowed nails of other males in my 60’s cohort, I understand why.
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
wouldn’t Lio need a hedge trimmer first followed by an angle grinder?
monkeysky over 2 years ago
Unfortunately, both of those feet are just a little too long to be squares. If it were by the rectangular foot, he’d be making some money.
!!ǝlɐ⅁ over 2 years ago
Hmmm…Not square feet there, but Liö could well grind them down!!
The Reader Premium Member over 2 years ago
Now he will finally be able to hide in the strawberry patch!
jagedlo over 2 years ago
“Now don’t forget to recommend us to your friends!”
artegal over 2 years ago
That’s got nothing on this horror show:
Plumb.Bob Premium Member over 2 years ago
I started painting my toe nails many years ago. Probably after someone at a party threatened to do it if I passed out. I paint them every Spring, 4 or 5 different bright colors, among 8 toes as the pinky nails are but slivers. I am a 6’2", 250 pound ex football player who mainly wears Carhart’s. I operate heavy machinery. Inevitably a woman, always a woman, says shocked “You paint your toes?!!?!?” “of course” says I. “What kind of real man would let someone else paint his nails?” My lady friends find it quite sexy and, judging from the craggy yellowed nails of other males in my 60’s cohort, I understand why.
Norris66 over 2 years ago
Bring your Truck
edeloriea14 over 2 years ago
Big Foot will look so fabulous!
Realimaginary1 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Lio’s giving a whole new meaning to black and white and red all over!