Sherman's Lagoon by Jim Toomey for August 30, 2022

  1. 1628996 t1
    enigmamz  over 2 years ago

    For some, the only way to learn about fire is to be burned a bit. Plus, the show needs more content, so “MANDY, YOU GO GIRL!!!”

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  2. Badger 4 360
    sirbadger  over 2 years ago

    This is almost a duplicate of Saturday’s strip.

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  3. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Megan may have to eat somebody to make things right.

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  4. Missing large
    SHIVA  over 2 years ago

    Why is the male of the species so terrified and/or helpless about feeding himself??!!

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  5. Cave cat
    CaveCat87  over 2 years ago

    Just call out for pizza and that should solve your problems temporarily, Sherman.

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    gammaguy  over 2 years ago

    Why doesn’t he just go up onto the beach and eat a couple of those hairless apes? Does he usually take them home and have Megan cook them?

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  7. Fritz helm
    BlueKnight1966  over 2 years ago

    Just go for sashimi, Sherm.

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  8. 06 us2c ue24
    Sailor46 USN 65-95  over 2 years ago

    His dinner is his primary concern.

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  9. Aaue7md1d3xol5yiczutqrpeqb0ih 2vtxqpv2knkrw8
    WentHulk  over 2 years ago

    Why are you so concerned Sherman. You eat the fish in the reef

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  10. Mew mew power animated gif
    ToneeRhianRose  about 2 years ago

    Haha! XD

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