Buckles by David Gilbert for October 05, 2022

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    profbob  about 2 years ago

    Paul shouldn’t be surprised. Dogs (pets) learn to recognize the treat packaging and then their nose confirms it.

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    feefers_  about 2 years ago

    My dog can smell cheese at 1000 yards, upside down asleep

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  3. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  about 2 years ago

    My dog, a Beagle mix, smells things long before he sees what he is after! Makes us find it if he can’t get at it!

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    saylorgirl  about 2 years ago

    Buckles expressions today are priceless.

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    42Irish Premium Member about 2 years ago

    The nose knows!

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    heathcliff2  about 2 years ago

    Good boy. Some of mine didn’t always wait until home.

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  7. Th 2659328858
    Just-me  about 2 years ago

    The nose knows.

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  8. Cave cat
    CaveCat87  about 2 years ago

    You’re in trouble now, Buckles, Paul and Jill won’t let you confiscate those doggy snacks.

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  9. Bunny and summer together
    Moonkey Premium Member about 2 years ago

    While this cartoon wouldn’t exist without it, I don’t understand why they put groceries on the floor. When I had cats in my life, I used to drop the paper bags on the floor as I emptied them for the cats to play with for a few minutes. I became allergic to cats, haven’t been able to have a cat for 15 years. Yet sometimes, I still automatically drop a paper bag on the floor for a cat, and then I feel sad for a bit. I have a beagle – if I put groceries on the floor, we would possibly both be running all over the house, me trying to catch her before she hurt herself trying to eat something dangerous for her, and her trying to stay ahead of me, which I suspect she could do. Lots of people say that when food hits the floor, it’s assumed that it’s open season for the dogs to eat it. I don’t put groceries on the floor. Never have.

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