Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for April 19, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 16 years ago

    No complaints… It’s the Sunday wrap up, but I think it’s well done.

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  2. 220px charles bowles aka black bart
    Steve Bartholomew  almost 16 years ago

    Gerties left hand is pretty weird, but the artwork in general is better than last week’s strips. I miss the duckie.

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  3. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  almost 16 years ago

    Are we going to have a money roast? Perhaps she should use the lamp to find the light switch.

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  4. Missing large
    DonnieTevault  almost 16 years ago

    Yeah, the artwork is better. But, the storyline still makes no sense.

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  5. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 16 years ago

    “AND THEN THERE WERE NONE” is the Title of Agatha Christie’s top mystery novel. Brozman has hit Tracy with a “reverse” escalator … “And Then There Were MORE”, as in the last panel (money bags seen on right) he crafted a glut, FOUR little duckies to satiate the man from Titsville’s ravenous appetite. One on the ready and three in a row, all to go!

    kerowack, wust have chuckled as he viewed the two hand SIZES on Tracy in panel 3, as he prepares to re-draw (properly) a set of daily DT strips.

    Mattie, in his calculated derogatory “dig” at Collins called him an “archaelogist”, implying that he failed to be original and survived only by mining and re-using Gould’s ideas and designs. You have to wonder if Mattie picked up that “grip” (as Gould would phrase it), of Anti-Collins “DAGGERS” in Naperville, to throw for his Master on the DT Boards, to help CRUSH dissent.

    Don’t mind that Al Kinda’s and Queenie’s death scenes were a flagrant swipe from GOULD’s “Brow” and “Ugly Christine”.

    If nothing else Mattie has taken much practise.

    But what seems worse, is this Sunday page. Starved of originality and of fresh thought unnecessarily “regurgitates” last weeks food for us “rubber duckies” ! In the dailies B.O was thrown in the back of the car last week Tuesday. The Praetorian Guard hides Locher’s LACK of writing “know how” and his inefficient attitude to “learn” how, behind an “invented” TMS requirement to produce it in this shoddy manner.

    Saw Afgan President, KARZI on TV this morning, his outfit must have inspired Jack’s clothing!

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  6. Softball
    ridenslide65  almost 16 years ago

    A total bust. Nothing new. Waste of a day.

    Snotpickers Grabbag - Make sure to keep your kids under lock and key when the sun goes down. Or they could wind up looking like a reject from the Archie Comics.

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  7. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    Anyone out there actually live in a city with a curfew? If the kids look like this at night, in the dark, is the ONLY time I’d let them out.

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  8. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    the duck is alive and well. Look closely at panel two,

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  9. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    HAH! made ya look!

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  10. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  almost 16 years ago

    “Six Fingers Gertie”, she was known as in the good ol’ days.

    Jack’s finger in the second to last panel is about a foot long.

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  11. Palm
    SGIBeachbum  almost 16 years ago

    The Crimestoppers poster boy is Danny from the Partridge Family.

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  12. Missing large
    mrbribery  almost 16 years ago

    Checking panel 2, we see that what we thought were money bags are actually filled with potted plants.

    Also, it’s nice to see BO giving public service announcements to us, the loyal readers. One should, indeed, speak distinctly.

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  13. Fearless 2
    thejensens  almost 16 years ago

    Re: Comments about the Crimestoppers - Marktrail made the comment that where they live, there is a curfew. I live in small town America (population 8,000) The curfew should be brought back everywhere. Screw these kids that say we are violating their constitutional rights. Until there old enough to leave home and vote - the parents should be in control. There was a curfew in our town when I grew up. My mother could walk from a friends at 10:30 at night and not have to worry about being raped, robbed or murdered.

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  14. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  almost 16 years ago

    Gertie’s in the basement with an oil lamp! She could trip over a bag-o-money and burn it up!

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  15. Missing large
    MartyMartian  almost 16 years ago

    Now I know why my proctologist drives a Bentley. He owns a casino. BTW has Opus been reincarnated into B.O.s hat

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  16. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 16 years ago


    In the “Daily Cartoonist” : “HAS DICK TRACY BECOME A LAUGHINGSTOCK ?” And see comments!


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  17. Ban splits
    fleeglebeagle  almost 16 years ago

    Why do I get the feeling the bags of cash are about to go up in smoke as Gertie drops her oil-lamp????

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