Bottom Liners by Eric and Bill Teitelbaum for October 15, 2022

  1. Missing large
    Kiba65  over 2 years ago

    Well that sums it up!!

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  2. 144873 avatar
    kingdiamond69  over 2 years ago

    Both sides use insider information to enrich themselves this practice needs to be abolished along with all of the dark money that Citizens united pumps into the pockets of our reps.

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  3. Img 1945
    Zykoic  over 2 years ago

    So much corruption.

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  4. Eye.eye
    Oh Really?  over 2 years ago

    “Corruption”With a capital “C”as in D.C.

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  5. 704fe3d1 4a7d 495f a742 2d8456861f60
    admiree2  over 2 years ago

    Check with the guy who called the family member, while standing on the White House for an event, to tell him to sell the pharmaceutical company stock immediately.

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