What difference does it make what credit card you use. You’re the one that will have to pay the card bill when it comes in. She’ll will make sure you do.
If parking is that expensive, a case could be made for taking Uber or Lyft. 3 hours parked, gas to get there and back, wear and tear etc…, $50.00 easy. I would rather get a ride there and put the extra money toward a great lunch or dinner, (or a generous tip for your driver.)
The big department store downtown spent a lot of money on an update. It cost $12 for 2 hours of parking there. The suburban stores were bigger, had free parking, and were only 10 miles away. They went through several new owners and closed.
allen@home about 2 years ago
What difference does it make what credit card you use. You’re the one that will have to pay the card bill when it comes in. She’ll will make sure you do.
Jeff0811 about 2 years ago
If parking is that expensive, a case could be made for taking Uber or Lyft. 3 hours parked, gas to get there and back, wear and tear etc…, $50.00 easy. I would rather get a ride there and put the extra money toward a great lunch or dinner, (or a generous tip for your driver.)
The Reader Premium Member about 2 years ago
I use those City Bank cardboard ones that come in the mail.
Carl Premium Member about 2 years ago
Even worse is electronic tolling where you don’t know the cost of the trip until the end of the month, especially with the new craze of dynamic tolls.
Doug K about 2 years ago
Were you able to charge for only 5 minutes? Can we get a refund back on our card for any unused time?
Will this affect where he gets to (is allowed to) park himself when they get back home?
EMGULS79 about 2 years ago
Any establishment that doesn’t provide free parking doesn’t get my business. Plain and simple.
PoodleGroomer about 2 years ago
The big department store downtown spent a lot of money on an update. It cost $12 for 2 hours of parking there. The suburban stores were bigger, had free parking, and were only 10 miles away. They went through several new owners and closed.