Unless there is a complex, but predicable and emotionally contrived story line. Something you can pause and rewind while you replenish the ice cream bowl.
“One day I saw a movie that changed my life. Did you ever see Dead Poets’ Society ? I thought, ‘Now, that’s two hours of my life that I’m never getting back’." – Friends (The One with The Fake Monica)
Daltongang Premium Member about 2 years ago
Which explains why she doesn’t want Annie to go to England and be tested.
goboboyd about 2 years ago
Unless there is a complex, but predicable and emotionally contrived story line. Something you can pause and rewind while you replenish the ice cream bowl.
Ed The Red Premium Member about 2 years ago
“One day I saw a movie that changed my life. Did you ever see Dead Poets’ Society ? I thought, ‘Now, that’s two hours of my life that I’m never getting back’." – Friends (The One with The Fake Monica)
sk2915kaiso about 2 years ago
John Wayne playing Hamlet and proclaiming “Well, is this a dagger I see before me?”