A response is far more likely to occur when a cat calls to their human, than when that human calls to their cat.
Never seen a cat do this one, but my Gracie has a Mew, with a head motion, that means…. COME SEE! Usually it’s come see my dish is half empty.
My cat “points” like a dog. Then I get behind her and see where her ears are aimed.
if only they were that subtle
phritzg Premium Member over 1 year ago
A response is far more likely to occur when a cat calls to their human, than when that human calls to their cat.
uncle snipe over 1 year ago
Never seen a cat do this one, but my Gracie has a Mew, with a head motion, that means…. COME SEE! Usually it’s come see my dish is half empty.
mistercatworks over 1 year ago
My cat “points” like a dog. Then I get behind her and see where her ears are aimed.
Vet Premium Member over 1 year ago
dbrucepm over 1 year ago
if only they were that subtle