Questionable Quotebook by Sam Hepburn for December 18, 2022

  1. Calvins
    Algolei I  about 2 years ago

    I don’t do courses. Put it all in a bucket and I’ll get around to it when I have the time.

    Followed by one wafer-thin mint, please.

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  2. Sam profilepic
    Sam Hepburn creator about 2 years ago

    Wishing all my Jewish readers a very happy Hanukkah!

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  3. Dscf3970  2
    crazeekatlady  about 2 years ago

    I’m well known for my ability to forget to eat.

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  4. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  about 2 years ago

    Back when the family still lived fairly close, we would have big Christmas dinners, with maybe 18-30 guests sitting around a big, long table we would set up every December.

    Appetiser was shrimp cocktail (which I never ate) and the main course was a BIG turkey with all the trimmings- loads of stuffing and sausage meat cooked right in the bird, mountains of mashed potatoes with flagons of gravy, carrots, peas, corn, yams, brussel sprouts, homemade cranberry sauce, punch and coffee to drink, all followed by our Mom’s carrot pudding, served hot with hard sauce made from icing sugar and butter, mince tarts…and Mom’s spectacular homemade fruit cake, which was always perfectly moist and flavourful.

    I miss those days, but Mom & Dad are gone now, and most of my siblings have moved to the far corners of the land. Hope I can find some new traditions.

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