Farcus by David Waisglass and Gordon Coulthart for March 02, 2023

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    seanfear  almost 2 years ago

    legit question

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    TStyle78  almost 2 years ago

    It’s because they use more expensive ingredients to replace the other stuff.

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    The Reader Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Less is more!

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    Zebrastripes  almost 2 years ago

    Most canned foods and frozen have salt so read the labels….

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    Tired  almost 2 years ago

    Should decaffeinated coffee be cheaper than regular coffee?

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    rgulyash  almost 2 years ago

    And then there’s organic. Do you really know by just looking at it they did something different (or not) to it?

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    rodney  almost 2 years ago

    Low fat is usually a bad choice. In most cases, to offset the lower fat, the manufacturers add more sweeteners.

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    Alberta Oil  almost 2 years ago

    My thought about meat as well.. takes a lot more work to make hamburger than a roast.. and yet…….

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    NRHAWK Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I often wonder the same thing about why fresh fruits and vegetable are more expensive than frozen fruits and vegetables at the same weight comparison, especially since the frozen varieties took more labor to wash and slice and package for my convenience. My soups, casseroles, stews and most other dishes taste the same and have nearly identical nutrition values, so I hardly ever wonder into the produce section of my grocer with the exception of a head of lettuce once in a while.

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    ArcticFox Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    It’s grocery store math—- Reduced amount + charge more = RIP OFF!

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    h.v.greenman  almost 2 years ago

    Because you have to pay the wages of the person who counts the calories to make sure that no extras sneak into the packages

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    paullp Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Same reason people were paying more for low-carb hamburgers that were served bunless.

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    Impkins  Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    It’s too late, lady. Give it up. :)

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    waltermgm  almost 2 years ago

    That way you eat less because you can’t afford to buy as much.

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