Read an interview about a guy who claimed the earth was 4000 yr old. He was asked, “What about the fossils of Dinosaurs?”. “OH!” he replied, “They were put there by scientists to discredit the good book”!
I’ve said for years that if you only believe what you believe because someone else said so, then you have no right to expect anyone to respect your opinion
Qiset about 2 years ago
Wasn’t there for the other items but the issue of climate change has gotten way to political.
BigDaveGlass about 2 years ago
Read an interview about a guy who claimed the earth was 4000 yr old. He was asked, “What about the fossils of Dinosaurs?”. “OH!” he replied, “They were put there by scientists to discredit the good book”!
Olddog1 about 2 years ago
But why as long as 4,000 years?
Doctor Toon about 2 years ago
I’ve said for years that if you only believe what you believe because someone else said so, then you have no right to expect anyone to respect your opinion
Steverino Premium Member about 2 years ago
The flat earthers are wong. If the earth were really flat, cats would have pushed everything over the edge by now.
Grumpy Old Guy about 2 years ago
You can’t change the weather by throwing money at it….
Roscoe about 2 years ago
The current (2022/2023) Hebrew year is 5783. Let them explain that
Willywise52 Premium Member about 2 years ago
Sisyphos about 2 years ago
Like a good trooper, Boody takes a fall for Myth-Tickle.
And, of course, we laugh at his plight, while Sir Dudley was on the qui vive….
95 about 2 years ago
For this strip, is Booty with or without wings?