FYI: Since Dinkleberg showed up at St. Spires to apply for the position of church organist/choir director in March of 2021 over in “the other strip,” never once have he and the choir biddies been depicted as rehearsing or performing virtually. Every time we’ve seen them was live and en masse. But what’s two years’ worth of continuity compared to Batiuk hilariously substituting a letter in the phrase “digital divide”?
I find it interesting that Dingle doesn’t say it’s great to be having live PERFORMANCES again; he says it’s nice to be having live REHEARSALS again. Shows you what he really enjoys about being a choir director.
J.J. O'Malley almost 2 years ago
FYI: Since Dinkleberg showed up at St. Spires to apply for the position of church organist/choir director in March of 2021 over in “the other strip,” never once have he and the choir biddies been depicted as rehearsing or performing virtually. Every time we’ve seen them was live and en masse. But what’s two years’ worth of continuity compared to Batiuk hilariously substituting a letter in the phrase “digital divide”?
littlejohn Premium Member almost 2 years ago
It’s all bits and bytes in the universe of life.
Blu Bunny almost 2 years ago
They can afford to have a pipe organ in that church?
jsdy almost 2 years ago
The pipes on our church’s organ are ornamental only: the electric organ’s speakers are hidden by them.
mfrasca almost 2 years ago
The pipe organ was manufactured by the Reuter Organ Company of Lawrence KS. The lady sent to service it is a bit delayed due to a car accident.
Mopman almost 2 years ago
Well this strip is only 2 years too late.
kmg31 almost 2 years ago
Did I miss something? What happened at the choir competition?
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Crankshaft has disappeared!
raybarb44 almost 2 years ago
I hope that we fully recover…..
sueb1863 almost 2 years ago
I guess this strip has pretty much become Funky Winkerbean II. Ed hasn’t been in it all week!
puddleglum1066 almost 2 years ago
I find it interesting that Dingle doesn’t say it’s great to be having live PERFORMANCES again; he says it’s nice to be having live REHEARSALS again. Shows you what he really enjoys about being a choir director.