Reminds me of a small Mom & Pop company that I once worked for. They were using a simple Excel spreadsheet to predict their company’s yearly growth… the spreadsheet only had simple formulas that assumed your previous growth would continue unabated…
Like most small companies, their first growth steps were small in dollars but high in percentage. They went from about 0 to $4k to about $30k (profits only after all expenses including salaries), so the spreadsheet assumed that they would continue to grow in big increments. The owners liked the numbers it gave them…
But, of course, due to economy fluctuations and the laws of averages and their own inept management, the company numbers did not keep up with the spreadsheet predictions. Owners got mad and blamed their employees… which led to high turnover / lost productivity / poor company reputation… they were broke and closed a few years later.
Zykoic almost 2 years ago
You’ll have the world by the ballbearings.
Steverino Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I once had a ball bearing mousetrap. A tomcat.
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 2 years ago
That is optimism?
drycurt almost 2 years ago
Ready for the fall?
mistercatworks almost 2 years ago
Let’s check the vertical scale on that chart one time before we start “rolling” toward world domination.
ferddo almost 2 years ago
Reminds me of a small Mom & Pop company that I once worked for. They were using a simple Excel spreadsheet to predict their company’s yearly growth… the spreadsheet only had simple formulas that assumed your previous growth would continue unabated…
Like most small companies, their first growth steps were small in dollars but high in percentage. They went from about 0 to $4k to about $30k (profits only after all expenses including salaries), so the spreadsheet assumed that they would continue to grow in big increments. The owners liked the numbers it gave them…
But, of course, due to economy fluctuations and the laws of averages and their own inept management, the company numbers did not keep up with the spreadsheet predictions. Owners got mad and blamed their employees… which led to high turnover / lost productivity / poor company reputation… they were broke and closed a few years later.
T... almost 2 years ago
If you consider the world as a frictionless ball in space, then OK…
gopher gofer almost 2 years ago
to reach that goal will really take balls…
StephenRice almost 2 years ago
I like this guy! If anyone can tell me how to contact him, I’ll offer him a deal on some of my famous Colorado oceanfront property!
jvscanlan Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Too accurate to be funny