You have to be careful how many languages you expect a child to learn. When I was young, I was being taught French at school and German by my mum. I had problems at school when I kept putting German words in my French sentences. Turns out I can only handle two languages at once: In this case English and French. With my kids growing up, it was English and Teletubbies.
Before there was much security on personal computers I rigged a coworkers PC, who was a WSU grad, so that every time an email came in the UW fight song played.
I was watching for a time a TV show about a deaf one who worked for the FBI (based on a true story of same – the actress’s husband who is also deaf won an Oscar last year) and have been trying to remember some of the signs for various things such as thank you, please and the like.
C almost 2 years ago
A little off the mark
rekam Premium Member almost 2 years ago
It would drive me nuts in no time.
ronaldspence almost 2 years ago
They might actually getmore work out of Adam!
SHIVA almost 2 years ago
Doubtful, he’ll hit the keys just to hear what kind of sound he can get out of them!!!
Maizing almost 2 years ago
I’m betting the “Best! Keyboard! Ever!” comment is actually from Adam, not Clayton.
seanfear almost 2 years ago
chapeau Clayton!
Doctor Toon almost 2 years ago
Im safe from this prank
I use my tablet mostly for reading comics, which due to my schedule is usually while the rest of the house is asleep
My granddaughter might think it was funny, but if it woke grandma she wouldn’t think That was funny
The Reader Premium Member almost 2 years ago
All I can say is click, click, click, click…
Kidon Ha-Shomer almost 2 years ago
This is why my computer has no speakers.
nosirrom almost 2 years ago
I’ve heard of touch typing but sound typing?
Just-me almost 2 years ago
The Law of Unintended Consequences at work…
oakie817 almost 2 years ago
Chris almost 2 years ago
yeah, that look says it all. :]
mourdac Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Adam may never get up from his computer.
We once physically moved the keys on a co-worker’s keyboard, that was pretty amusing for a few minutes.
assrdood almost 2 years ago
Is there a “fart” key?
ChessPirate almost 2 years ago
Well, whadaya know, Adam just wrote the Soundtrack for the next Lego Movie! ☺
MRC112 almost 2 years ago
You have to be careful how many languages you expect a child to learn. When I was young, I was being taught French at school and German by my mum. I had problems at school when I kept putting German words in my French sentences. Turns out I can only handle two languages at once: In this case English and French. With my kids growing up, it was English and Teletubbies.
R Humble almost 2 years ago
Before there was much security on personal computers I rigged a coworkers PC, who was a WSU grad, so that every time an email came in the UW fight song played.
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Those kids love pranking the Dad!
cuzinron47 almost 2 years ago
I’m thinking Adam actually hates it, but doesn’t want to give Clayton the satisfaction.
tuliplover almost 2 years ago
I want one of those keyboards!
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 2 years ago
By all the evidence, the second balloon in panel four is intended for Adam (off-panel), not Clayton.
Zyxian almost 2 years ago
Isn’t that bubble pointing the wrong way? Shouldn’t it pointing towards Adam?
mafastore almost 2 years ago
I was watching for a time a TV show about a deaf one who worked for the FBI (based on a true story of same – the actress’s husband who is also deaf won an Oscar last year) and have been trying to remember some of the signs for various things such as thank you, please and the like.