This is a good one Carol! As for the AI essay programs, well I guess sooner or later someone will make them so that they can create a few (or perhaps more) mistakes and thus not be as noticeable or easy to spot as the AI essay which is grammatically and content wise perfect. College kids have been cheating on essays forever or at least as long as Cliff Notes have been published. I remember an English prof at FSU tell my sophomore Am Lit class that he can spot any Cliff note derived essay in an instant so if you are happy with a C- or so as your ceiling grade, have at it since he would not waste time with anyone too lazy to actually read these wonderful works and try to interpret the author in their own concepts and words.
stairsteppublishing almost 2 years ago
That is too close to reality in the not too distant future.
TampaFanatic1 almost 2 years ago
This is a good one Carol! As for the AI essay programs, well I guess sooner or later someone will make them so that they can create a few (or perhaps more) mistakes and thus not be as noticeable or easy to spot as the AI essay which is grammatically and content wise perfect. College kids have been cheating on essays forever or at least as long as Cliff Notes have been published. I remember an English prof at FSU tell my sophomore Am Lit class that he can spot any Cliff note derived essay in an instant so if you are happy with a C- or so as your ceiling grade, have at it since he would not waste time with anyone too lazy to actually read these wonderful works and try to interpret the author in their own concepts and words.
Ida No almost 2 years ago
When your work speaks for itself and issues you a gag order.
Olddog1 almost 2 years ago
How it started……and ended.
RadioDial Premium Member almost 2 years ago
There are some long running comics here each morning (not Carol’s) that have all the indications of having been generated by ChatGPT AI.
moonfrogger almost 2 years ago
I hope it takes longer than Orwell’s 1984 to come about.
Aladar30 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Brainiac, but not really intelligent.
spaced man spliff almost 2 years ago
Perhaps we actually are……
artjohn42 almost 2 years ago
I’m hiding under my blanket…you can’t see me…