Heart of the City by Steenz for April 30, 2023

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    codycab  almost 2 years ago

    Nothing says “loving relationship” like the phrase, “Uhh…what was I talking about ?”

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    beb01  almost 2 years ago

    Heart’s mother might need to pair of earplug when the two start blathering but that Heart hasn’t rejected him out of hand is a plus.

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    Decepticomic  almost 2 years ago

    Things just might work out… Unless comic strip relationships are anything like comic book relationships. Then he’ll probably die or turn out to be a villain for cheap drama.

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    Katsuro Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Interesting how the term “Viewtube” is used, but Vine is called by its real name.

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    sueb1863  almost 2 years ago

    Is he one of those people that just talks and talks and talks and never gives you a chance to say anything? That’s not a good thing.

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    307jevans Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Ian, as a guy who talks like a lot, a lot, and despite being self conscious of it, can’t seem to turn it off …. I feel you bro, and you can find love.

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    Parto_the_P  almost 2 years ago

    Hold the phone. Ian professes an affection for all things acting and performance and Heart’s not already shopping for what to wear at the wedding??

    Is this the right comic? lol

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