I guess a sushi joke is better than a geisha joke, but I’m not familiar with the pitcher’s preferred diet to know if the sushi joke is appropriate here
I thought it was the catcher who selected the pitch with a device on the wrist of his glove hand, and the pitchcom receiver was in the hat of the pitcher and a couple of other fielders.
wallylm almost 2 years ago
Sushi? C’mon, in the middle of a game, I’d expect some samurai warrior or action anime mentality to rub off on that catcher.
Ellis97 almost 2 years ago
Dr. Tzap is easily one of the best characters in the whole strip.
lee85736 almost 2 years ago
Dr. Tzap looks a little more fried than usual. He might need to turn the voltage down.
A.Ficionada almost 2 years ago
One of his inventions turned Tzap purple!
moondog42 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I guess a sushi joke is better than a geisha joke, but I’m not familiar with the pitcher’s preferred diet to know if the sushi joke is appropriate here
dankko almost 2 years ago
I thought it was the catcher who selected the pitch with a device on the wrist of his glove hand, and the pitchcom receiver was in the hat of the pitcher and a couple of other fielders.
carlsonbob almost 2 years ago
I’m waiting for the day when the Astros learn how to hack into the Pitchcom devices of opposing pitchers!