There are likely thousands upon thousands of “other earth-like planets we could possibly inhabit.” Of course, it may take thousands and thousands of years to get to one (travelling at or near the speed of light), vast stretches of unexplored deep space would have to be safely traversed, and the passengers (and their descendants) would have to get along in a confined environment for the several lifetimes of travel. Given the fact that most people can’t get along with their neighbors across the street, and never mind those of other races, religions, or ice-cream flavor preferences, I don’t see that happening. So it would be a pretty good idea to take care of the planet you have. (I don’t see that happening either, but it’s a nice thought.)
momofalex7 over 1 year ago
Ain’t that the truth.
TampaFanatic1 over 1 year ago
This has the makings of a good “Twilight Zone” or “Outer Limits”. We just need a good monologue from Rod Serling.
Bilan over 1 year ago
The truth to that question: Because everybody thinks it’s other people that are screwing things up.
einarbt over 1 year ago
Hum, yes we do.
boneroller42 over 1 year ago
That’s a fair question.
ivanprime93 over 1 year ago
rshive over 1 year ago
But we have to do something.
Bookworm over 1 year ago
There are likely thousands upon thousands of “other earth-like planets we could possibly inhabit.” Of course, it may take thousands and thousands of years to get to one (travelling at or near the speed of light), vast stretches of unexplored deep space would have to be safely traversed, and the passengers (and their descendants) would have to get along in a confined environment for the several lifetimes of travel. Given the fact that most people can’t get along with their neighbors across the street, and never mind those of other races, religions, or ice-cream flavor preferences, I don’t see that happening. So it would be a pretty good idea to take care of the planet you have. (I don’t see that happening either, but it’s a nice thought.)
ckeller over 1 year ago
What makes anyone think that aliens are necessarily better than us with their planets?
LightWarriorK over 1 year ago
We’re quarantined to this star system until we can figure out how to be better.
raybarb44 over 1 year ago
Pretty smart tube….
anomaly over 1 year ago
Is that an option?
Stephen Gilberg over 1 year ago
To me, the real question is not whether such planets exist but whether we could ever reach them alive.
Templo S.U.D. over 1 year ago
well, that was something