Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for September 28, 2009
Saleswoman: Welcome to sassy, classy fall fashion, 2009! Cathy: What happened to the recession? Saleswoman: B-O-O-ORING! Cathy: The crumbling economy?? Saleswoman: Last season! Cathy: The wiped-out retirement funds? The collapsed housing market? Saleswoman: Seen it! Done it! Over it! Cathy: And all the unpaid bills heaped on our kitchen counter? Saleswoman: For bills, visit our "home shoppe"! We have darling new bins in which to stuff them!
funnyfan928 over 15 years ago
Sadly, this pretty much sums up the mentality of most shoppers.
Allison Nunn Premium Member over 15 years ago
especially the ones who have all those unpaid bills….. we try to pay ours in full every month, and shop accordingly. No fashion junkies here, just practical but we are not stuck under a mountain of debt!
alondra over 15 years ago
No mountain of bills, no need to buy a “darling new bin” in which to stuff them.
kab2rb over 15 years ago
Here I can’t go shopping my daughter’s college took care of this. She couldn’t get any finiancail help without having to try for a loan. But someone or more people informed her that student loans fund Iraq war and she wants no part of this. Sales lady you are so wrong past bills have to be paid. We cannot pay our CC off hbby retired me pt 5 adults, although one works ft min wage. Garage sales
RinaFarina over 15 years ago
What I like about this strip is that it is so entirely ridiculous. That’s what makes it funny! I kept waiting to see how the saleslady would answer each objection, and I thought sure Cathy had got her with the last question, but nooo - when you have your mind set on a certain way of thinking, nothing (such as reality, for example) can stop you.
stuart over 15 years ago
RinaFarina - like the Black Knight in Monty Python. (Classic Semantic Holism.)