Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for August 13, 2012

  1. 00160008
    Koolfunkygrrl  over 12 years ago

    Jeepers for once I like what Cathy said in the second panel…lol…that’s alot to bring with you…wait a second, that’s what I bring with me!!! LOL…….Oh boy eye roll……YAY for me, FIRST POST!!!!……Happy day to Lightenup, Jr, Aaron, Billy, LMB, Gretch’s Ma, Susan, Viperdude :), Hendelca, lindzcoop, mollie, serenaskitty, bronzepony, and everyone else that loves Cathy :)

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  2. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Trust us, Charlene, one Cathy is plenty “person” to bring! She is like 100 people in one…The kids are at school!! I’m a bit sad, excited, proud, happy, nervous all at the same time. My “little” ones are growing up!Okay, I’m done, but days like this always make me feel like I want to remember them forever. Sigh…Hi, KFG! Thanks for the update! Looking forward to hearing about your meeting tomorrow!Good morning, Aaron and Susan!Hello to GretchensMom, Billy, rgcviper,, hendelca, Mona, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, gmforde, soonergal, lippyfish, Mai Tai, Willi Nilli, mollie, AnonaMona, Bronzepony, simpsonfan2, tegm, legaleagle and all the other Cathy nuts rolling around here today!

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  3. Tvman
    gmforde  over 12 years ago

    Maybe she should have said she was bringing her dog. lol

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    ncalifgirl58  over 12 years ago

    Hi Cathynuts! When my newspaper quit printing Cathy they were new. These seem to reruns. Did Cathy retire!? Thanks!

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  5. Frankenaaron
    NE1956  over 12 years ago

    Answer to panel 4: more than you have, Cathy. You could call Irving you know.


    Morning Susan nope, no sleeping in unless it’s a rainy morning. LMB wakes me up by standing on my chest (or back, depending) to tell me know he has to go out. His internal alarm is set at 7:00 a.m. We’ve already had breakfast, went for our bike ride into town and back, and swam for about a half hour.


    lightenup how about dumping all the laundry on the floor and running through it barefoot? That’d pass the time a bit. Just do it before the girls get home from school.


    Good morning readers and UK friends.


    hi mom!
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    legaleagle48  over 12 years ago

    What Cathy fails to realize is that couples prefer to socialize with other couples because it’s less awkward for them if everyone has a partner. That’s why Charlene assumed that Cathy was suggesting a couples’ night out, and why she asked Cathy whom she was bringing as a date — Charlene didn’t realize that she and her husband were expected to entertain only Cathy!

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    Gretchen's Mom  over 12 years ago

    Why would a single woman with no date want to go out with a married couple and be a “third wheel”?!? That would make me feel so weird and out of place doing that if I were Cathy! She should invite Irving along so it’s more of a couples date or, better still, why not just arrange for her and Charlene to go out to dinner just the 2 of them? That’s what a friend and I do. About once a month (or sometimes, every other month), I go out to dinner with a friend I met through work 13 years ago and leave the husband of 23 years behind at home for a couple of hours. I’ve invited him along numerous times but he doesn’t want to interfere with our sacred “girl time” . . . not to mention the fact that he doesn’t want to be the uncomfortable “odd man out” in those situations. But this IS Cathy we’re talking about so I guess she’s learned by now to by obliviously comfortable in every situation no matter how strange it may seem to the rest of us!!!!!


    HI, AARON & DR. BILLY!!!!!

    Hope you’re both having a really nice Monday! :-)


    That’s Dr. K.F.G. ………. Dr. K. ………. Dr. Kool!Love them all . . . and love you, too, girlfriend!!!!! ;-)


    Good afternoon, lightenup, lightenupjr., Susan,, rgcviper, gmforde, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, hendelca, Gator007, legaleagle48, mollie05, AnonaMona, soonergal, Willi Nilli, Bronzepony, Molly mcgee, simpsonfan2, GreggW, Wolf Emperor, Hobbes (if you should happen to drop by) and all the REST of the “Cathy” fanatics joining us here today. It’s great to “see” you all again! And if you’re new here . . . WELCOME TO CATHY’S NUTHOUSE!!!!! GLAD YOU’RE JOINING IN ON ALL THE FUN!!!!! ;-)

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    BillyJL  over 12 years ago

    The 3rd wheel stuff can be kinda weird, but it depends on the context of going out. Kinda weird there, Cathy. I think it would get crowded with all the things you’re bringing.


    If a couple is going out on a date night, leaving kids etc at home, I usually turn down the offer to go out with them. If a couple is going out for ice cream or bowling, I’d go if asked. With Aaron working at night and me hating home alone being a party of 1 is hard but 3rd wheel is harder. What I’m deeply blessed to have are friends vs. gay friends and straight friends, because who likes labels anyway? Most often I travel in packs with my sports playing friends, which makes being an odd man out issue moot.

    hi mom!
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    BillyJL  over 12 years ago

    Dr KFG for some reason it’s stuck in my head that you’ve been called (mostly to your displeasure??) “Dr Liz the Whiz”.


    Does that earn me a cookie?

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  10. Glamkitty
    AnonaMoaner  over 12 years ago

    It can be a little confusing when you’ve read the later strips first! But then time travel is very fashionable just now, I believe.

    (I wrote this on Tuesday . . . just to mix you up even more.)

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  11. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Speaking of “shcool”, I wanted to get Jr to post but she was worn out, poor thing! We all got up extra early this morning so that we could catch the bus at 7:06am (we normally walk) and take lots of pictures. On the first day, all the kids in our neighborhood meet at the bus stop for pictures to document the first day of school. The kids make posters and it’s a fun social event. The yearbook has pictures of all the neighborhoods in the area doing this, so the kids like seeing themselves too.Jr had an okay day, but had a little 4th grade “drama”. She was already disappointed that her BFF wasn’t in her class, so I reassured her that there were other friends of hers in her class. Well, the problem was that no one played with her at recess and she’s not sitting next to anyone except for a boy, so she doesn’t even get a friend in class. I’m not worried about the class seating (especially since a couple other girls already got in trouble for socializing), but it was sad that she didn’t have a playmate at recess. She is a bit reserved and not assertive, so I’m hoping that after the “back to school” excitement dies down, she will have a group of friends again. It was just sad to see her upset face get off the bus though… :-(Lil had a better day. She loves her teacher already and has a couple of friends in class that she played with. She’s looking forward to a great year. :-)I’m off to make lunches and get myself to bed because I’m still getting used to getting up early again. Night night! (For LMB… Done! ;-))

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  12. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  over 12 years ago

    I kinda see Cathy’s point here, but I still can’t leave out the obligatory …

    [Eye-roll …]

    You all knew it was coming!

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