The Grizzwells by Bill Schorr for September 21, 2023

  1. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  over 1 year ago

    Chalk and eraser had some redeeming qualities and could be fun. White boards and wipes just kinda bland. Glad I didn’t have them in my classrooms.

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  2. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member over 1 year ago

    funner yet to watch teach work with a 1/2" piece of chalk…!

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  3. Th 2659328858
    Just-me  over 1 year ago

    I had a math teacher in high school who would heave a piece of chalk at a student he thought wasn’t paying attention or otherwise goofing off. I had my head down figuring out a math problem when he pegged me in the chest with a piece of chalk. I took exception to being hit with it, picked it up and threw it back, hitting him in the forehead. He sent me to the principal’s office for doing so. I explained to the principal what was going on and that he could suspend or expel me if he thought it was necessary, but that he could, would (and that afternoon did) receive a visit from my parents.

    The principal apparently didn’t know what the teacher was doing (I have my doubts about that) and “investigated.” He “discovered” (uh huh) a number of other students who had been used for target practice and told the teacher to knock it off. I wasn’t suspended or expelled and returned to class the next day. When I did teacher started yelling at me to get out of his class and threw another piece of chalk at me. I caught it and threw it back at him. Back I returned to the principal’s office and told him what happened.

    I had called my parents from the payphone in the lobby and my mother showed up pretty quickly. Much longer story short, the teacher was given some sort of punishment (a few days loss of pay I think) and reassigned to another school. I heard later he did the same thing at another school to a kid who had an attorney for a parent who then sued and the guy was fired.

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  4. 1000000173
    bwswolf  over 1 year ago

    They don’t have blackboards anymore ….. :O

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  5. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 1 year ago

    Sigh! This new generation doesn’t know the charm of chalk and eraser. I even had the Privilege (?) of clapping erasers clean a few times with the good nuns back in grammar school….

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