Francis by Patrick J. Marrin for September 21, 2023

  1. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  over 1 year ago

    I am sometimes amazed on how fellow Catholics don’t even know what transubstantiation is. The first panel helps, but it goes beyond Real Presence, which even Lutherans believe.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 1 year ago

    Joshua was just the scion of Jehovah a hybrid of the God and a mortal. Like any Messiah the flesh host thinks itself a deity too as part of it. Not as just a mere extension. He failed to be the ruler over the Jews, so he died. Messiahs both light and dark end the same way. For all of her work Joan d’Arcy was burned at the stake as a traitor to France after saving it.

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    dflak  over 1 year ago

    According to a Jesuit study, Lutherans and Episcopalians have “Apostolic Succession,” that is, an unbroken line of consecrated bishops going back to St. Peter.

    If this is true, then both of these religions have a valid priesthood and sacraments even by Catholic standards.

    If this is true, then there are married, gay and female priests.

    As for transubstantiation, it’s a matter of faith – you either believe it or not.

    Faith is supposedly a gift. I don’t see how God can hold anyone accountable for not believing if they didn’t get this particular gift. My personal belief is that God gives other people other gifts and will judge them on how they use them.

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    rmbdot  over 1 year ago

    Bit of a false dichotomy with those first two panels. Those views are not mutually exclusive.

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    dflak  over 1 year ago

    I am looking at the monstrance in the first panel. This brings back memories of my Catholic Childhood days with the mass in Latin and the richly-robed priest and his attendants and the incense and sprinkling of holy water: all held in a huge, cathedral-styled building that occupied a half city block. The ritual was overwhelming.

    Then I reflect on the service I attended last Sunday in a converted garage with about 20 people sitting on folding chairs facing a table with baked bread on it. The priest (a woman) wore a simple alb and a collar. Half of the service was in Spanish. There was also spontaneous laughter during the service.

    I wonder which of these settings comes closer to the Last Supper.

    What I would like to see is a seder (with the meal and Hebrew prayers and matzah) with a consecration worked in. Passover is supposed to be a family holiday, children included, especially children included. Considering how things worked back then, I am sure the Apostles were not staying at a Holiday Inn Express. They had to be “renting a room” in someone’s house. I wonder if there were children at the Last Supper and if they held the afikoman for ransom :).

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