Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for November 03, 2023

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    jmworacle  over 1 year ago

    The late Beno Cook had a saying: "When fans of: “Fill in the blank” travel they take two things with them; a twenty dollar bill and a clean shirt and they don’t change either one."

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    ewaldoh  over 1 year ago

    Yesterday, all last week, the month before, and every school day as far back as I’ve decided was enough.

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  3. Gandalf
    Gandalf  over 1 year ago

    And his teacher has the same problem with the same shirt….

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    Chithing  over 1 year ago

    Took you long enough to notice, Kate.

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    gingerspike88 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Mr. D wears the same shirt everyday … I had an Econ professor at the University of Wisconsin, who wore the same clothes every day. A blue, oxford shirt and khaki slacks. It got to be a point of conversation amongst us. On the last day of the semester, he showed up in gray slacks … we all stood and applauded!

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  6. Raptor
    raptor  over 1 year ago

    His argument should be that Steve Jobs always dressed exactly the same and look at how successful he was…

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  7. Hammy
    TMMILLER Premium Member over 1 year ago

    I wear a different shirt every day. They just look the same. I have 16 identical sport shirts I wear to work. Cheap. The chemicals and oils I work around with make short work of clothing. Everyone has gotten used to me wearing black all the time. One went so far as to tell me they would not recognize me if I wore any other color. From time to time I will wear a green or blue, not often.

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    cknoblo Premium Member over 1 year ago

    I wear a clean shirt every day, and they are in several colors. I only have 9 long sleeved shirts, and there are a few duplicates, so it’s hard to see that I change every day, but I do. I have more short sleeved shirts, with fewer duplicates, so in Summer, I wear more variety.

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