Speed Bump by Dave Coverly for October 30, 2023

  1. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 1 year ago

    OH?! Cool! I can get there in, like, half an hour, forty five minutes tops.

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  2. Coyote
    eromlig  over 1 year ago

    Athletes, like actors, sometimes just phone it in.

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    Doug K  over 1 year ago

    Sometimes your face is just not enough.

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    akachman Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Well, at least he’s suited up to go.

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    dflak  over 1 year ago

    When the pandemic hit, my company fired their contractors but they hired me on full time. They offered me a salaried position, but I negotiated hourly because I wanted the ability to take unpaid time off. That’s when they found out I was 70 and they said, “You’re high risk, get out of the building, NOW!” and that’s when I started working full time from home. The job of data analyst is very suitable for remote work.

    It worked out well for both of us. My typical day was, I’d get up at 5 AM, work out and take my walk, log in at 6:30 AM, run a 50-step checklist to get 18 different reports ready by 8:30, some of these reports supported a 9:00 AM meeting. I’d log off at 8:00 PM.

    I did not work the full time. I ran errands and in the summer was working out in my pool in the afternoon. I worked when the data became available and when reports were due. For example one report was to be run at the end of the business day. It took about two hours to run. Fortunately, I had this one fully-automated and had to check on it every 30 minutes or so for a couple of seconds to make sure it was still running. I was “off the clock” for this one.

    I was working 36 hours a week, so I told the company that I was giving them a 10% discount on my salary.

    Then the company decided that they wanted all workers in the office all the time. I was not getting up at 4 AM so I could still work out before work and I was not willing to start preparing dinner at 9 PM. Besides, the office doesn’t have a pool. So I retired.

    Maybe I should have stayed on for another week. After paying me overtime for a 70 hour week, the company might have changed its mind.

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    spaceagesoul  over 1 year ago

    Today, we’re going over the script for the “big game”. It requires secrecy. No video or audio recording devices that can be hacked and prove we’re as fake as WWE.

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  7. Deutsch beer week
    Norris66  over 1 year ago

    After watching a few football games yesterday, it looks like a lot didn’t show up for the team.

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    jscarff57 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Mahomes showed up, but he should’ve stayed in bed

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  9. Coyote3
    AZCoyote  over 1 year ago

    Why is there a referee? Is he on the payroll?

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    Frank Burns Eats Worms  over 1 year ago

    Hurry up, it’s the video conference championship!

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    bucker39 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Team looks like those football players in “beetle juice”

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