I bought my first smartphone in 2016, and it had voice activated dialing. I would sometimes be sitting in my living room watching TV, with my phone on the table beside me, and it would pick up something from the TV and start dialing. Sounds from the environment around me would also set it off when I was outside. I took it back where I bought it and had them turn it off for me, and when I bought a new smartphone a few years ago, the first thing I did before even taking it home was to get them to turn voice dialing off.
I remember years ago, in the DOS era, wanting to walk into a big office where voice recognition was being used and yell “Format C: slant Y” If you remember what that should have done, congratulations!
Purple People Eater about 1 year ago
I bought my first smartphone in 2016, and it had voice activated dialing. I would sometimes be sitting in my living room watching TV, with my phone on the table beside me, and it would pick up something from the TV and start dialing. Sounds from the environment around me would also set it off when I was outside. I took it back where I bought it and had them turn it off for me, and when I bought a new smartphone a few years ago, the first thing I did before even taking it home was to get them to turn voice dialing off.
Grace Premium Member about 1 year ago
22 yrs later, and it’s no more clear
JLChi about 1 year ago
Paper clip dispenser? Now I want one, and I don’t even use paper clips.
mistercatworks about 1 year ago
I don’t know when was the last time I saw a complete instruction book for a device.
The answers to all those problems are on the Internet … somewhere .
rgcviper about 1 year ago
Technology … a blessing or a curse? You be the judge.
HI, MOM. Happy Sunday, “Cathy” Clan.
James Noury Premium Member about 1 year ago
BW42 about 1 year ago
I remember years ago, in the DOS era, wanting to walk into a big office where voice recognition was being used and yell “Format C: slant Y” If you remember what that should have done, congratulations!
lindz.coop Premium Member about 1 year ago
I worked in the computing center of a large university when I was young…the computers took up a city block. I was a keypunch operator.