Promises made to a snooze alarm are not binding and nobody expects them to be. Cathy, if you do not run now you won’t run all day nor will you do anything else you said. Yes, we do know you well.
Have a fun Saturday. We have warm sunshine and slightly above freezing temperatures even though yesterday had shadows. We may be getting 6 more weeks of winter (which is quite normal) but for now it is a mild winter. Of course that can change overnight.
The thought’s there, but somehow I doubt the follow-through will be. The 5,000 sit-ups statement was the kicker for me. An A for effort on comic Cathy’s part, though—in theory, anyway.
Asharah 11 months ago
Excuses, excuses!
basspro 11 months ago
Kathy you are not going to do any of that.
hendelca Premium Member 11 months ago
Promises made to a snooze alarm are not binding and nobody expects them to be. Cathy, if you do not run now you won’t run all day nor will you do anything else you said. Yes, we do know you well.
Have a fun Saturday. We have warm sunshine and slightly above freezing temperatures even though yesterday had shadows. We may be getting 6 more weeks of winter (which is quite normal) but for now it is a mild winter. Of course that can change overnight.
rgcviper 11 months ago
The thought’s there, but somehow I doubt the follow-through will be. The 5,000 sit-ups statement was the kicker for me. An A for effort on comic Cathy’s part, though—in theory, anyway.
HI, MOM. Hello, Clan.