WuMo by Wulff & Morgenthaler for December 11, 2023

  1. Miriam
    Kymberleigh  over 1 year ago

    And therein lies one of the biggest problems with Congress.

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    Zykoic  over 1 year ago


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    James Deveney Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Both are the handmaidens of corporate interest which have evolved from first being created for the publics interest to now only their interest which is money.

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    Alberta Oil  over 1 year ago

    Do the people have a choice.. kinda take it or get rich

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    hawkeyec Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Too much truth.

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    jconnors3954  over 1 year ago

    How many politicians, any party, come out poorer than when they went in?

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    PoodleGroomer  over 1 year ago

    You need a large, well invested nest egg to maintain a yacht and private jet.

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    ragsarooni  over 1 year ago

    The upper 1% would NEVER want to help the lower 99% *EVER*‼️

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  9. Teeth life of brian
    jsimpso1  over 1 year ago

    Some real deep thinking here. Government confiscates everything you make and then doles out your ration of benefits. Gee! How come that’s never been tried before? Oh, that’s right.

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    wildlandwaters  over 1 year ago

    looks like Bezos…

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    GG_loves_comics Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Understanding doesn’t make it easier to swallow.

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    DanMercer  over 1 year ago

    And who exactly will pay for this. Asking as a citizen of the brokest country ever. If we were to use very dollar of our current GDP to pay off the debt, we’d still owe money. If only we had an education system that taught something besides race and gender ideology and kids learned about the Weimar Republic, where people burned currency for warmth, or the phrase “Brazilian Inflation”. Every tax cut has produced more wealth at every stratum of society and increased tax revenues, while tax increases frequently cut tax revenues and often lead to bad behavior. GHWB got bullied into raising taxes by the Japanese (who didn’t see their own economy’s upcoming reversal) including “normalizing” tax rates for dividends and capital gains. Normalizing meant tying them to the same rates as for earned income. Suddenly many people found their tax rate triple from 15% to 47% at the same time as the Internet boom was going on. Seeing people made overnight millionaires investing in DotCom stocks, they pulled money from profitable companies to put that money into speculative stocks. The profitable companies reacted by undertaking cost cutting measures so that, in the heart of the boom, the best companies were laying off staff. When the bubble burst, many people were not only impoverished overnight, but had tax problems from the Federal Alternative Minimum Tax and many state versions of the same tax. The word “ruined” best applies. Many of them were programmers who worked for the failed DotComs and had been living on ramen and water but had huge portfolios of overvalued stock which they had never been able to sell.But, I guess this is the thinking of people who think math is racist.

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    jvscanlan Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Would be great if Republicans were this honest and ran on their real policy proposals, instead of their straight out lying to electorate

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    einarbt  about 1 year ago

    World wide problem.

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    Withan  about 1 year ago

    10 fewer F35s and we could have tax cuts. 15 more, healthcare.

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