He must be used to small deals.
Len: “Well, when you give me the silent treatment…”
Dang, Len’s really in a mood this week, isn’t he? Normally he at least tries to act like he could care.
If that man keeps giving those answers, he’s going to end up sleeping on the couch!
Boy, Len’s working up to being quite the schlemiel here.
Ubintold 10 months ago
He must be used to small deals.
Kroykali 10 months ago
Len: “Well, when you give me the silent treatment…”
scyphi26 10 months ago
Dang, Len’s really in a mood this week, isn’t he? Normally he at least tries to act like he could care.
Black76Manta 10 months ago
If that man keeps giving those answers, he’s going to end up sleeping on the couch!
CoffeeBob Premium Member 10 months ago
Boy, Len’s working up to being quite the schlemiel here.