Edge City by Terry and Patty LaBan for July 14, 2024

  1. Blue morning
    Yakety Sax  8 months ago

    Your Logic Is Up In The Air

    (My crew and I are installing glued-down carpet tiles in an office space. The glue must be exposed until it has set up completely. We’re a couple of hours into the process, having just cleaned the bare floor of debris, and have started to spread glue. The job site supervisor walks in the room with a crew who is supposed to be installing ceiling tiles.)

    Supervisor: “These guys are going to be putting in the ceiling tiles here, okay?”

    Me: “No. I just prepped everything, and I’m glueing the floor now. No one can work in here until the carpet is done.”

    Supervisor: “Well, I scheduled for you both to be here today. They should be fine. They’re working on the ceiling, and you’re working on the floor, so you won’t be in each other’s way.”

    (The ceiling guys realize right away what is going on, and out of professional courtesy start packing up their tools to leave.)

    Me: “I’ll say okay if you can answer this one question.”

    Supervisor: “Yes?”

    Me: “Where are they going to stand while working on the ceiling while I’m working on the floor?”

    Supervisor: speechless


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  2. The shadow
    Ubintold  8 months ago

    So is this networking group hoping Len has a job to offer?

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  3. Missing large
    goboboyd  8 months ago

    No doubt a cash bar. Chex Mix appetizer bowl, if anything.

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  4. Grumpy cat
    EMGULS79  8 months ago

    Networking: Dressing like an executive and going to a meeting place to suffer having to make small talk with a bunch of fellow unemployed people, knowing there is only a 0.00000001 percent chance of ever getting a job or even seeing or hearing from these people again, but at least having an event to be able to say you attended while “earnestly seeking work” that you can note on your record to continue to qualify for benefits with your local unemployment office.

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  5. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 8 months ago

    Well occupationally challenged sounds…………it really does!

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  6. Coffee pictures 027
    CoffeeBob Premium Member 8 months ago

    Went to one networking lunch in my early corporate life, was mainly realtors and office supply sales reps looking to make their next sale. Or single guys looking to score. Think Herb Tarleck types.

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  7. Missing large
    serial232  8 months ago

    Yeah, no new jobs, but some of the old ones are coming back. I just wish that Biden would stop claiming that he created them.

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